wir legen alles geld zusammen

Michael Fanta Andreas Fogarasi Birke Gorm Daniel Hafner Erika Hock Doris Piwonka
and in the shower room Felizitas Moroder

curated by Siggi Hofer

20 may - 18 june 2023

  • wir legen alles geld zusammen
  • wir legen alles geld zusammen
  • wir legen alles geld zusammen
  • wir legen alles geld zusammen
  • wir legen alles geld zusammen
  • wir legen alles geld zusammen
  • wir legen alles geld zusammen
  • wir legen alles geld zusammen
  • wir legen alles geld zusammen

and in the shower room

  • happy-tears
  • happy-tears

© Michael Strasser / Kunstverein Schattendorf

The relation to our environment is the mirror of our behaviour. With every difficulty that is opposing us, even with every wrong that is done to us, we are not posing the question concerning the other’s inadequacy or fault, than rather concerning our own failure. It can’t go on like that, our voice within screams, and the eyes around us signalise their approval. The way up to here was that long, so the gentle, hardly noticeable drizzle could soak us entirely. We reached the end, and the end is the start into change. We turn the pockets of our trousers inside out and throw all the contents in the centre onto a heap. The crumpled up banknotes, the remaining strength, the courage. The rhythm and the vulnerability as well as the incapability. A nice sum added up. Everyone agrees, now we can make it, take the next step and in the foreseeable future can fulfil our dreams, solve the problem, and make a point. Over one or another face a smile flits. Eyes sparkle.

The urgent need, not the confidence, propels us. The contradiction, not the compliment, accelerates. The way leads us through a widely ramified country. Hills, rivers, forests, villages and towns pass by our windows. And when we stick our heads together again and again, we create a new room. Without having to build a stronghold, we are out of harm’s way and invisible from the outside for the evil, but from a distance we are visible and permeable for the good. The evil is the repetition, the good ist the new and the foreign.

To stand up for a cause in a selfless way, without expectation of any merit, without having any discernible benefit from it, perhaps even the other way round, being damaged by it, is an undertaking whose outcome is uncertain, but which brings development and stands for hope. In solidarity we struggle for expression, complement one another, and do not moan about the injustice of fate, but rather we put all the anger and the love into the mutual undertaking, we are outraged at the pigheadedness, the conservative, and we send all the hate to hell.

text: Siggi Hofer
translation: Stefan Thyri

